Friday, May 20, 2005

Touring around SF

I spent the last 2 days walking around SF seeing the sights and trying to keep dry. Yup, the rain finally caught up with me :(

I introduced Josh to Dim Sum as we started our Wednesday out in Chinatown for lunch. We went to pier 39, checked out the Giradelli chocolate factory (more of a store now, I think they still produce everything in Oakland), and walked around North Beach area. Unfortunately I walked us through the ghetto trying to find the Asian Art Museum near the civic center. To make matters worse, we got there too late to go in. Basically I endangered our lives for nothing!

Yesterday I toured Alcatraz... fascinating! The audio tour was narrated by ex-cons and former guards. Having them explain conditions while your standing in their tiny cells makes you appreciate the fact that you've never had to live that way. I was amazed at how small the place was in general. I guess that made it more managable for top criminals. There was a former inmate there signing a book he had written about his time in Alcatraz. He was a bitter old man who didn't seem to want to ask a bunch of questions from tourists. I guess you can't blame him. I was impressed that he was able to marry, adopt kids, and have a normal life after 14 years in prison. I don't feel that is the case anymore. Perhaps you just don't her about the people who actually "rehabilitate" in prison these days.

I left Alcatraz after 2 hours, not because there wasn't enough to see, but because I was getting a bit bored be there by myself. So, I headed back to the mainland and then up to Berkeley to see Kate and Joanna. We hung out at a local Berkeley coffee shop and chatted before heading to a great wine shop and the most amazing pizza place: Cheese Board. The make one vegetarian pizza each day and it's sold by the slice. We had one with corn, onions, pesto and pinenuts... yum!

I'm heading up to Berkeley this morning to tour that area with them before headed to SF for a girls' night with Courtney. The plan is to head out after dinner to some local bars and spend the night at Courtney's in order to enjoy a tasting brunch together in the AM. I definitely miss hanging out with Kate, although it sounds like she is doing great in Seattle.

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