Saturday, October 01, 2005

Highschool wedding

I went with a couple of other Tafties to Matty Fisher's wedding in South Boston. I'll admit that intially I wasn't too thrilled to be going to yet another wedding this year (I'm up to 3 and have another in 2 weeks). I guess I find that I spend most of the night chatting with people I don't know about what I do for a living, where I live, how I know the bride and groom, etc. and I never really get to talk with the bride or groom. I have to say that Matt and Dana made sure to spend a ton of time with all their friends and I had a blast.

I can't believe another highschool friend is married! I guess I am of the age that all my friends are making their way down the aisle. I don't see myself taking that plunge anytime soon, although Brian and have talked about moving in together. His roommate is moving to DC to be with his girlfriend, and we have starting thinking about me moving in to his place... I don't think that would happen for a while, but it's a thought..

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