Sunday, October 02, 2005

Missing old co-workers

Brian and I decided to spend the afternoon walking to Harvard to pick up some more chai tea (I have him addicted), and I ran into an old work colleague, Pat. I was great to chat with her and hear all the Sun gossip. Apparently my horrid old manager actually got promoted. Just to give you an idea of how bad he is: I was one of 4 to quit his group within a year. According to Pat, another guy just quit and they actually hired a couple of people. I guess the group must be thriving if they managed to miss the last round of layoffs and were even able to hire someone. That's great to hear, since I'd hate to think about any of them losing their jobs. Pat also told me that my officemate finally bought a house and 2 people are becoming parents in the very near future. I guess a lot has happened since I left in May.

I definitely miss everyone, although I don't think I'd want to still be working there. I really like where I'm at right now. I enjoy getting up in the morning these days, which was not the case 6 months ago. I hope I am able to keep in touch with Pat and others at Sun, because it was great to hear what they were all up to. :)

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