Friday, October 21, 2005

student conclave

student conclave
Originally uploaded by jessriggs.
I headed out to Denver in order to attend a conference for students in the APTA (American Physical Therapy Association). They had a ton of different seminars on aspects of the profession, along with talks on financial aid and on how to get the most out of your clinical experience. I went to the hour long talks on Pediatrics, Neurology & hand theraphy. All very interesting.

I came back to Boston more charged up about my classes. Once you see the differnet paths you can take after graduation, you begin to see a flicker of light at the end of what appears on most days as a really long tunnel.

Here are all the other gals fromt eh program who went with me (left to right: Melanie, Jae, Kelly, me, and Joanne). Kelly is a first year with me and the other 3 are all 2nd years in the program. It was great to chat with them, and find out that they were all as stressed as we are once and they loived through it!

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