Friday, October 07, 2005

Davis Sq. bike seat thief!

Someone decided to steal my bike saddle and seat post last night. Even though my light(which I left on accidentally) was loosely attached to my handle bars and could have been removed effortlessly, this person decided to loosen the bolt of my bike rack and yank out my bike seat. I even think the light was worth more! The seat being missing this morning meant I had to make a mad dash for the T @ 6:30am to try and get to my computer lab job at school by 7. As fate would have it, I caught both trains quickly and even the shuttle over to school from North Station. I was only 5 minutes late, which was a miracle! This morning commute usually takes 25 min. on bike, and 45 min. on the T.

I now get to spend a nice chunk of tomorrow hunting down a new bike seat post & saddle for as little $$ as possible. I don't believe there is a hot market in Boston for bike seats, and am guessing that the Davis Sq. bike seat thief is a 15 year old punk with nothing better to do last night that make my morning awful. Perhaps he has a closet full of his many conquests....


Anonymous said...

Something similar happend to me at Alewife. Some jackass took my back tire, forcing me to cart my bike home after an already horrible day.

I felt like John Travolta in Pulp Fiction:

"It would have been worth the punk doing just so I could catch him in the act."

Cost me almost $100 to replace, plus the $50 skewer set to make sure it didn't happen again.

Jess said...

I still haven't gotten a replacement yet. I tend to not be home until after bike stores close... ugh, stupid bike thief has really messed with this week!

I just hope that bad Karma, or the police find him :)