Friday, September 16, 2005


So, I am assigned to the RACU for my clinical assignement this semester. For those of you not familiar with the myriad of acronyms at MGH that means the Respiratory Acute Care Unit. (I just learned that myself a couple of days ago.) I will be working with a physical therapist and another MGH student there every Wednesday morning this semester. Our first day was this week, and our CI (Clinical Instructor) had us reviewing a patient's chart, performing a reevaluation and writing up a diagnosis. I was expecting more of a tour of the facility and an introduction to acute care, but it appears as if we are going to be learning by getting right in there and doing. What a shift from undergrad!

Our patient was recovering from an auto accident where he collided head on with a truck, was found next to his vehicle (he was not wearing his seatbelt), and then airlifted to MGH where he was treated for a broken sternum, 2 broken collarbones, broken ribs, and a punctured lung. We were seeing him 3 weeks later and trying to help ween him off the ventilator and get him stable enough balance wise to return home. Crazy, huh?

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