Friday, April 18, 2008

A Second Job

So, an opportunity arose to take a per diem job at a hospital I interviewed at for internship: Shaughnessey Kaplan. The position is for weekend work and it involves working in acute care and rehab. It also pays $50/ hr... I decided to interview with them to see if it was something I might be interested in doing.

I was wavering on the ride up to Salem 2 weeks ago as to whether or not I would be willing to give up weekend days for the extra pay, but then I realized there was no guarantee that I would even get the job. When I got there, it was barely an interview and more of a tour and an explanation of what my responsibilities would be.

I was excited to be back in a hospital setting, and realized that the experience in acute care would make me even more marketable after my internship with MGH ended. Once he explained that 2 days a month would be sufficient to work there, I thought... why not? It would be a new experience, and (like it or not) I have a more free weekend schedule these days.

I still don't know what I will do full time at the end of internship in August. MGH has not discussed hiring me, and I am toying with the idea of leaving the Boston area... Seattle? Chicago? Denver? I guess I could really go anywhere. A patient of mine who works as a nurse upstairs suggested getting my resume together and out there now for potential jobs out of the area. The thought scares me a bit, as I would be leaving some many close friends, but if I am seriously considering it, I need to start looking at potential employers.

I'll try and keep this updated with my search and job decisions. Funny that I started this 3 years ago to cronical my journey through PT school and I am almost to the end of it. Where did the time go?

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