Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Brian and I spent the holiday weekend in Ithaca with his Cornell friends, and I was pleasantly surprised with how the trip turned out. I was expecting a typical college town with your usual ugly 70s-style buildings (which there were some of) and dive bars (there were those too), but I was blown away by the gorges. You could park a block from campus, walk down a ravine and be in a completely different place. It was great! Besides the gorges it reminded me a lot of Burlington, VT: very laid back, hippy-like rural town with more democrats then Dunkin Doughnuts (can the state of MA claim that?) Although I was worried about not having a weekend to really crack the books, I am really glad I went on this trip... and I did manage to read an entire chapter about the Abdomen in between gorge swim sessions :)

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