Tuesday, August 16, 2005

NH hiking trip: Mookie & I

Mookie & I
Originally uploaded by jessriggs.
Brian and I headed up to NH for our 1 year anniversary. We stayed up in Gorham, NH near the Maine border Saturday through Monday. We went hiking all 3 days, although our big hike on Sunday was rained out. Mookie hiked with us around Waterville Valley (pictured here with me), and up to Lonesome Lake near Cannon Mtn.

It was great to relax with Brian after finishing up my first semester of school. I know have 3 weeks off before returning for the fall semester, which I hear is more difficult (yikes!) It's funny because even though I accomplished a lot of errands and what not today, I couldn't shake the feeling like I had something I wasn't doing.

For how hard it was to shift gears to student study mode, it seems even harder to shift out of it for these couple of weeks.

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