Monday, January 23, 2006

Happy to be eating @ Redbones!

Happy to be eating @ Redbones!
Originally uploaded by jessriggs.
So, for Kate's last night of her recent trip to Boston, she decided to dine at Redbones. I was impressed that they were able to seat 12 of us (a regular Redbones miracle!) I don't know what was going on at the other half of the table, but I can tell you that Dasha, Zsolt, Sara, Brian & I were having a ball. Sara decided to take pictures to prove it, and she even sent them out within 12 hours: how very un-Meghna of her!

Dasha & Sara

Dasha & Sara
Originally uploaded by jessriggs.
A couple of cuties out for a night on the town... actually Dasha & I took off at 8:30pm to head home and go to bed. Wow, I never thought I would be so lame @ 26! I could say that it was Sunday night, and I had to be up at 5:50am to open up the computer lab at school this morning... but those would just be lame excuses

Monday, January 09, 2006

Dasha and Zsolt's wedding

Dasha and Zsolt's wedding
Originally uploaded by jessriggs.
Here is a great picture of the newly weds on their wedding day, October 16 2005. I pleased to report that they just purchased a 3 bedroom place in Brookline, and I think our little bet that Dasha will be the first with kids will pay off in the next couple of years!

Congrats guys!

Daily Sudoku

I've added a daily Sudoku Puzzle for those interested in starting a new obsession... :) I realize that I haven't posted in a LONG while, but I chalk that up to grad school finals and then the need to do absolutely nothing that required thought (Sudoku puzzles excluded) during the break. I'm hoping to add some more to this blog soon. I have a nice picture from Dasha's wedding to put up... of course that was back in October. Boy, I'm behind!